40th Annual Umpqua River Clean-Up Day
- Presented By Umpqua Watersheds
- Dates October 13, 2024
- Categories Animal, Fall, Nature / Outdoors
- Location Umpqua River
- Phone (541) 672-7065
- Website https://www.facebook.com/UmpquaWatersheds
40th Annual Umpqua River Clean-Up Day
Sunday, October 13th | Umpqua River
Umpqua Watersheds, Native Fish Society, and Thrive Umpqua are kindly asking volunteers to help clean up the Umpqua River from the Headwaters to the Sea.
If you need help picking up your trash, call 541-679-7077.
There’s so much trash and debris to remove before the high water comes! This not only cleans our own area, but helps keep the ocean clean, and protects wildlife and fish, enhancing enjoyment for everyone.
Please take your own bag down to the river near you and pick up any trash. Bags are also available at the Umpqua Watersheds Office (539 SE Main Street, Roseburg):
- Send photos of river and trash to uw@umpquawatersheds.org.
- This is a community event. Everyone is more than welcome. Please come help to keep our river clean!
- Always remember – SAFTEY FIRST!
Contact a coordinator in your area to find out how you can help or where to take the garbage after cleanup.
- Oakland – Umpqua – Cheryl Owens – 541-315-5545
- Little River – Geoff Niles – 541-4963886
- South Umpqua – Bob Hoehne – 541-679-7077
- North Umpqua – Brian Peters – 541-530-6782
- Main Umpqua – Alan Bunce – 541-580-4208
For mor information, contact: Umpqua Watersheds at 541-672-7065 or email uw@umpquawatersheds.org.