Passionate about their community and the bounty of high-quality food grown in Douglas County, Erin Saylor of Saylor Farms and Chad Northcraft of DC Modern Roots collaborated at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic with the mission of supporting local, small-scale producers as well as getting fresh, local and ethical produce into the hands of people without the stress of the market or store. 

Along with local crafters, artisans, farmers and chefs - 42 Connect Farm Pick-Up transformed the standard farmers’ market into a healthy and holistic version of the fast-food drive thru. 

42 Connect Farm Pick-Up uses their Facebook group to connect customers directly to local producers. These vendors promote what items will be available each week and customers their place orders. Every Thursday the parking lot outside the iconic Porter Creek Mercantile in Tenmile, Oregon fills up with customers picking up their local salsa, fresh eggs, baked goods and produce orders. It is farm-to-table in its purest form, all while supporting local businesses during a very challenging time. 

42 Connect Farm Pick-Up has recently expanded into the Porter Creek Mercantile providing space for more vendors and extended hours for customers. The store is open during Thursday’s farm pick-up hours from 11 to 12 p.m., Friday from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. and Saturdays from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. 

The Mercantile is a homegrown haven for foodies and grassroots admirers alike, selling a plethora of local products while showcasing a love for the land, a love for the people and love for quality. 

Visitors can often find lavender goodies from neighboring farm, McLeod’s Lavender; fresh salsa from local company, Papa Curt’s; gorgeous flowers from Howl and Whistle Flower Farm; B & D Meats; Bootlegger Supply Company with upcycled treasures; DC Modern Roots’ fresh vegetables; The Pickled Dad’s organic fermented foods; and Bandon Face Rock Creamery cheese - just to name a few local favorites. 

Pick up some syrups, canned goods, kombucha, milks, honey; grab a cold brew coffee; or pick up a variety of homemade, ready-to-go meals from lasagna to enchiladas to cinnamon rolls. 

The Mercantile also posts often on their Facebook page a sampling of what is in stock. They plan to add a customized tea bar and apothecary in the near future.  


Porter Creek Mercantile Harvest Gathering

Porter Creek Mercantile will be hosting their first annual Harvest Gathering on October 31 (originally October 10, but was postponed due to rain) from 2 to 9 p.m. The family-friendly event will include pumpkin painting, pumpkin bowling, three-legged races, barbecue, wood fire pizza, live music by Acousta Noir, cornhole and much more.


Make a day in Tenmile

All too quickly do travelers pass by Tenmile and the surrounding communities on Highway 42 as they head to the Interstate or coast. Tenmile deserves the pit stop for its scenic views and outstanding flavors. 

Here’s what to check out: 

Porter Creek Mercantile 
McLeod’s Lavender Farm
Girardet Vineyards
Kantu Brewing
Treat’s Highway 42 Cafe
Ben Irving Reservoir